“Witnessing at Walmart”

Warren, MI. There something about shopping markets and malls that lends itself well to evangelizing. While people are busy purchasing food for the week or clothes, it's usually nothing so urgent that they can't stop and talk for a few minutes. And sometimes those few...

“Evangelizing an Evangelist”

Orlando, FL. When we're out evangelizing, it's not uncommon to find members of other faiths out sharing the gospel too. Sometimes they need to be informed of the Catholic Church's true teaching, instead of the falsehoods that they've heard. Such is the case in today's...

“The Presence of A Priest”

Ybor City, FL. What a blessing it is when we have a priest join us on an evangelization outing. A quote from St. Jean Vianney helps us realize just how important our priests are to us: "The priest is not a priest for himself - he is for you. After God, the priest is...

“Evangelizing at a Crash Scene”

Novi, MI. Where do you draw the line? Have you ever thought about a situation that might cause you to say, "No, I couldn't evangelize there." Today's story features a woman who shared the Good News at the scene of a car accident. If you think about it, situations like...

“Free Will”

Philadelphia, PA. True followers of Christ want the best for everyone. To live a life of discipline, self-sacrifice, and charity rooted in the Catholic church and her teachings. But God has given each of us the tremendous gift and responsibility of free will, which...

“Who Can’t Use Prayer?”

Philadelphia, PA. How wonderful it is when those we talk with on the street are willing to accept prayer. So many things in this world come with "strings attached." But the prayer we offer is essentially a free gift from our loving God. Who wouldn't want that?!  ...

“Comforting a Young Widow”

Sterling Heights, MI. Besides Holy Scripture, God can speak to us interiorly, in something resembling a calm, quiet whisper. As we read in 1 Kings 19, "...after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." We must...

“The Proclamation of the Word”

Gaithersburg, MD. The word of God is different than other printed text. As Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "...the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating even between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and able to discern...

“Planting Seeds Around Twelve Oaks”

Novi, MI. Part of the training we offer our students with the onsite School of Evangelization is actual, hands-on sharing of the gospel. Having experienced evangelists go out with them and talk to people about Jesus helps model for them what an actual encounter looks...

“Laborers in Lagos, Day 5”

Lagos, Nigeria. Today we'll be featuring the last story from Randy and Sean's trip to Nigeria to train Catholics how to evangelize. We're grateful that they've shared their experiences with us, and hope that their trip continues to bear great fruit in Lagos and...