Explaining the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Explaining the Sacrament of Reconciliation

Gilmer, TX. This story came to us from Allison: The Tyler and Gilmer SPSE teams went out to the annual Gilmer Yamboree, a very popular local event visited by thousands of people over several days. Henry, Janet, Sherman and Allison walked around handing out rosaries,...
“Preaching and Healing”

“Preaching and Healing”

San Diego, California. The Gospel message and physical healings often go hand in hand. We see at the beginning of Mark’s Gospel that Jesus is baptized, tested, and then goes out into Galilee preaching and healing. What Jesus did two thousand years ago, his followers...
“This Is My Body”

“This Is My Body”

Sierra Vista, Arizona. The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life (CCC 1324). It is so central to our faith that many who leave the Church become impoverished, and those who stay (despite the abuse and scandal) do so because of the Eucharist. It is...
“The Eucharist is the Reason”

“The Eucharist is the Reason”

Sierra Vista, AZ. Many who’ve left the Catholic church don’t know what…or Who they leave behind. This story comes to us from evangelist Ed at the 4th of July celebration in Sierra Vista, AZ: On the 4th of July, the City of Sierra Vista put together a...
“Be Bold”

“Be Bold”

Vienna, Virginia. Sometimes as Catholics we can get into a comfortable spot–we get used to attending Mass on Sundays and volunteering with like-minded people and remaining somewhat insulated. While there is a definite need to be strengthened in the Spirit among...