“I just can’t believe how lucky I am … This ministry is such a blessing!”

Berkeley, CA. Recently the Berkeley team had four evangelists at El Cerrito Plaza. They worked at the plaza because of the threat of rain and because a wide open space could accommodate that many evangelists. Here is the account of one of the evangelists, Dave: “I met...

A Team of One

Uniontown, PA. To be an official team on an official outing of Saint Paul Street Evangelization, one of the requirements is that you need at least two evangelists. But sometimes you have to start small. Molli is one of our new friends here at SPSE. She doesn’t yet...

Sensitive Questions and Awkward Situations

Phoenix, AZ. Sometimes, evangelists need to be on their toes, ready to respond with tact to sensitive questions and other awkward situations. The Phoenix Northwest team set up recently in front of the downtown library to evangelize amongst a mixture of book lovers and...

Just Do It

San Diego, CA. Let’s admit it, many people are simply afraid to evangelize. (You may even be one of them!) … Why are they afraid to evangelize? Primarily, it seems that they are worried that their efforts to share the faith with others will receive negative reactions....

“That they may all be one”

Bloomington, IN. Each person on earth is created and redeemed by and for Jesus Christ. Furthermore, each person is meant, in Jesus, for the fullness of the life of grace. So when we go out to evangelize, we generally find out where a person is at, and then seek to...

Prayer and Free Will

Phoenix, AZ. Does praying for someone disrespect their free will? That is what one person suggested to the Phoenix, North West team during one of their recent outings. The man’s name was “Nick.” The team actually met him at the “First Friday Artwalk” on a previous...