Seeking Out the Lost Sheep

As always, when SPSE’s Dallas team hits the streets, their key concerns are 1) reaching fallen-away Catholics and other inactive Christians, 2) reaching people with no relationship with God, and 3) clearing up misconceptions about Catholicism. The team talked with one...

Evangelization with Saint Patrick

The Lansing, MI Team went out to evangelize on St. Patrick’s day with St. Patrick holy cards. Many people gladly accepted the holy cards and we were able to explain the true story of St. Patrick. We met a young man from Ethiopia who belongs to the Ethiopian...

Nightfever Detroit and Doc Robot

St. Paul Street Evangelization partnered with the Archdiocese of Detroit to bring Nightfever to Detroit. Nightfever is an intiative which grew out of World Youth Day 2005 in Cologne, and is spreading across Europe and North America with Nightfevers now taking place...

New Evangelist Gets Right to Work

A new man evangelized with SPSE’s very active Team Enterprise, AL, and then decided to do it regularly! Team Enterprise’s report introduces Manny Andino — a 4th degree Knights of Columbus and former Council Grand Knight — as super helpful, familiar with Catholic...

SPSE San Francisco

SPSE’s San Francisco team, deciding to go to “the belly of the beast,” set up at The Castro (Market & Castro Streets). Here is their report. Interesting day! Lots of foot traffic, a great place to encounter people. We did get our share of sarcasm, and rude and...

“I didn’t know you were Catholic!”

SPSE’s Tempe, AZ, team reported on their recent outing on Mill Ave. The weather was perfect but it was a slow day. Their first conversation was with a young college woman who told the evangelists that she was raised Catholic. But then she had left the Church to attend...