“A Good Morning”

“A Good Morning”

Atlanta, GA. Today’s story features two of the members of our Greater Atlanta SPSE team evangelizing a young Muslim woman who was open to what they had to say. Let us pray that all Muslims may be open to the truth of Jesus Christ and conversion to the one true...
“What is Truth?”

“What is Truth?”

Atlanta, GA. Today’s story features a spiritually lost young man seeking a higher education at college, and two evangelists attempting to give him the highest education possible, to know, love and serve God. PLEASE NOTE: This story took place before the COVID-19...
“Your Church or Mine?”

“Your Church or Mine?”

Atlanta, GA. It’s wonderful when two people of different faiths can talk honestly about their differences. Such was the case in today’s story. PLEASE NOTE: This story took place around February 10th before the COVID-19 virus started spreading, which is why...
“Suffering Opens us to God”

“Suffering Opens us to God”

Warren, MI. Physical injuries can cause many to lean more on God, or even to seek Him out if they had never even considered a relationship with Him. Today’s story might just be an example of a woman who, through physical suffering, was open to praying with our...
“The Rosary – A Tool for Meditation”

“The Rosary – A Tool for Meditation”

Boise, ID. It’s a simple request, really. Our Lord, through the Rosary and Our Lady, asks us to meditate on His life, death, and resurrection. To reflect on what He has done for us, to put ourselves in the scene using our imagination, would be contemplation. In...
“Jesus is Waiting For You”

“Jesus is Waiting For You”

Rochester Hills, MI. Today’s story features a team that went out with the theme of praying for healing our wounded nation. We know God wants to heal us, as scripture tells us: “If my people, who are called by my name, would humble themselves and pray, seek...