“Surrender Your Heart”

“Surrender Your Heart”

Westland, MI. Awaken Ministry is a grassroots effort in Michigan dedicated to bringing "people into an experiential encounter with Jesus Christ, such that they would be so touched by God's real presence, they would be compelled to go out and share the Good News with...

“Free Miracles”

“Free Miracles”

Ann Arbor, MI. When you're out on the street evangelizing, sometimes you have to get a little creative to get people's attention. In today's story, our evangelist comes up with a clever, yet truthful "slogan" to turn heads...and gets a woman to stop to ask for...

“The Spirit Is Moving”

“The Spirit Is Moving”

Gaithersburg, MD. Although we can't see it, the Holy Spirit is constantly moving. The evidence is definitely clear when we see such great responses to our teams on the street. The story today shows many people visiting our evangelists, asking questions, and showing...