“Be Bold”

“Be Bold”

Vienna, Virginia. Sometimes as Catholics we can get into a comfortable spot--we get used to attending Mass on Sundays and volunteering with like-minded people and remaining somewhat insulated. While there is a definite need to be strengthened in the Spirit among our...

“One of the these Days”

“One of the these Days”

The fruits of our Immersion conference are continuing to roll in. Here's another story of conversion: "One of our evangelists, Charlotte, was approached by a non-denominational Protestant who knew his bible very well. He was not angry or upset that Catholics were out...

“AWAKEN to Grace”

“AWAKEN to Grace”

New Baltimore, Michigan. St. Alphonsus Liquori tells a curious story in “Uniformity With God’s Will” regarding the will of God when it comes to healing: “A client of St. Thomas of Canterbury, who being sick, went to the saint's tomb to obtain a cure. He returned home...

“The Decision To Evangelize”

“The Decision To Evangelize”

Gaithersburg, MD. Contemporary culture talks about love as a feeling, something passive that you experience. But we as Christians know that love is a choice, an act of the will! “To love is to will the good of another” (St. Thomas Aquinas). Likewise, sometimes the...

“Evangelizing Catholics”

“Evangelizing Catholics”

Venice, Florida. It is easy to forget that Catholics need evangelization too. Our Church in America is dying. The percentage of weekly Mass attendance is dismal. Even among those who do regularly attend Mass, how many are joyful missionary disciples? How many have had...