New Evangelist Gets Right to Work

A new man evangelized with SPSE’s very active Team Enterprise, AL, and then decided to do it regularly! Team Enterprise's report introduces Manny Andino — a 4th degree Knights of Columbus and former Council Grand Knight — as super helpful, familiar with Catholic...

SPSE San Francisco

SPSE’s San Francisco team, deciding to go to “the belly of the beast,” set up at The Castro (Market & Castro Streets). Here is their report. Interesting day! Lots of foot traffic, a great place to encounter people. We did get our share of sarcasm, and rude and...

Giving Hope to the Poor

SPSE’s very active team in Gaithersburg, MD, continues to share Gospel love. Their spiritual advisor, Fr. Chris, joined their most recent outing and the team shared his reflection on the experience with us. The previous summer, as Fr. Chris began his priestly...

Violent Persecution

Colder weather is not stopping our Kingston Upon Hull team in the UK! Pictured with the evangelists are some young Catholic men from East Timor, a country on the eastern half of the island of Timor, north of Australia. Although the island may look like a tropical...

Evangelization “Under Fire”

Where people are hungry for the Good News about Jesus Christ, SPSE wants to be. We recently received a report from a team INSIDE a state correctional facility (prison). Inmate evangelist “Karl” has our pamphlets addressing common questions, misunderstandings, and...

Team Boise Having Fun!

The following report came from a member of the Boise, ID, team: Woot! We had a rollicking evangelization session downtown today. Started off with a woman who kept walking up to shout “the Rosary is not in the Bible” and then leaving. She didn't want an explanation but...

Fr. Fox on The Meaning of Sacrifice

HOMILY, Second Sunday of Lent: March 1, 2015 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( The meaning of sacrifice Today’s readings give us the stories of two fathers and two sons. Both fathers love their sons...