November 17, 2021

In This Issue 1. Featured: Save the Date for Immersion 2022! 2. Story from the Street: All Hallow’s Eve, Pt. 1 3. Story from the Street: Praise Report, Pt. 2 Save the Date for Immersion 2022! Save the Date: Our Immersion Conference and Evangelization Summer Intensive...

“One True Church”

“One True Church”

Detroit, MI. Click here to read more stories from our Eastern Market team in Detroit, MI This report comes from our Eastern Market team in Detroit, MI: Mark, Michael and Steve returned to Eastern Market on a sunny but breezy Saturday morning. An elderly woman,...

“Praise Report, Pt. 2”

“Praise Report, Pt. 2”

Boise, ID. Click here to read more stories from our team in Boise, ID The following report comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: Two teenage boys stopped, wanting a Rosary. One wasn’t sure what it was, and wasn’t really sure if he was...

“Praise Report, Pt. 1”

“Praise Report, Pt. 1”

Boise, ID. Click here to read more stories from our team in Boise, ID The following report comes to us from team leader Lucy with our team in Boise, ID: A Catholic woman stopped who hadn’t yet found a local parish, and told me that she “practices from home.” She...

October 2021

How can a loving God send people to eternal torment? What do you say if someone says, “I am not Christian because I can’t believe in a god who would send someone to burn forever just because they decided not to go to church.” [read more]Click here to see last month’s...

“Combining Efforts”

“Combining Efforts”

Cincinnati, OH. Click here to read more stories from our team in Milford, OH This report comes to us from team leader Melissa with our team in Milford, OH: On Saturday the SPSE Milford Team joined the SPSE Cincinnati Team at Smale Park along the Ohio River. We met a...

November 10, 2021

In This Issue 1. Featured: When One Evangelization Door Closes, Another Opens! 2. Story from the Street: Learning to Evangelize 3. Story from the Street: Tim and Two Atheists When One Evangelization Door Closes, Another Opens! Sometimes situations can arise that make...