“Finding Common Ground”

“Finding Common Ground”

Warren, MI. Sometimes God arranges meetings for our evangelists with members of other denominations, although the express purpose might not be immediately understood. Perhaps to introduce them to the fullness of the truth through us, or maybe there is something we...

“Christmas Giveaway”

“Christmas Giveaway”

Tampa, FL. Click here to read more stories from our team in Tampa, FL The following report comes to us from team leader Bill with our team in Tampa, FL: Two weeks before Christmas on a beautiful Florida winter evening, Reuben, Mike, Richard and I handed out about 75...

“Healing Resentments”

“Healing Resentments”

Boise, ID. Some people carry a lot of pain, and only Jesus can bring full healing. As we'll see in today's story, some wounds can even come from the religious figures we're supposed to trust. May God heal the souls of all who have been injured by those with spiritual...

“Sometimes Christian”

“Sometimes Christian”

Boise, ID. Every now and again, evangelists encounter a vocal enemy of the church. Today's story features one such individual, and sadly we are able to see his anger negatively affect others who may have been interested in the Church. Click here to read more stories...

January 6, 2021

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Year of the Family 2. Story from the Street: From One Anne to Another 3. Story from the Street: Evangelization Bearing Fruit Year of the Family Two Sundays ago on the feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis announced...