“Capitalizing on a Captive Audience”

“Capitalizing on a Captive Audience”

Ann Arbor, MI. The checkout line at the grocery store. The waiting room at the doctor’s office. The queue for the buffet. One of the most captive audiences for sharing the gospel are those who are stuck waiting for something. Our team in today’s story...
“The Word”

“The Word”

Castle Rock, CO. World famous physicist Albert Einstein once said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library.” There you can find so many wonderful books full of stories, historical facts, instructions, and so much...
“Priceless Encounter”

“Priceless Encounter”

Livonia, MI. It’s pretty amazing the things you’ll find at the dollar store, and the deals that they offer. Usually nothing of great value, but everyday items for a great price. In today’s story, it was just outside the dollar store where our...
“Martyrs in the Public Square”

“Martyrs in the Public Square”

Renton, WA. Today’s story features a terrific team from just outside of Seattle, St. Stephen the Martyr parish which serves both the Kent & Renton areas. As their homepage states: “Our SPSE team is excited to bring the Gospel of Good News to those we...
“Repairing Cars & Souls”

“Repairing Cars & Souls”

Detroit, MI. There is no bad place to evangelize. Because our God is ready and willing to speak to His children who have strayed wherever they’re at, if only they would stop and listen. Thankfully the woman in today’s story was willing to talk about God...
“Inch by Inch”

“Inch by Inch”

Boise, ID. The process of growth is usually slow with most things, be they plants, animals, or humans. The same goes for spiritual growth. But like a doorway covered with pencil marks to show the growth of children over time, if we were able to determine spiritual...