“Ad Hoc Outing, Pt. 2”

“Ad Hoc Outing, Pt. 2”

Birmingham, MI. Click here to learn more about our Society of Evangelists The following report comes to us from Br. John with our Society of Evangelists in Warren, MI: A man walking by stopped and said, “Yes I need prayer. I’m going through an unbelievably...
“Ad Hoc Outing, Pt. 1”

“Ad Hoc Outing, Pt. 1”

Warren, MI. Click here to learn more about our Society of Evangelists The following report comes to us from regional missionary Anne who evangelized with our Society of Evangelists located in Warren, MI: This was an ad hoc outing with two evangelists and a visitor...
“A Time of Renewal, Pt. 2”

“A Time of Renewal, Pt. 2”

Boise, ID. Today we’re featuring part two of a two-part story from our team that tried to bring Idahoans the chance at a new Life lovingly offered from Our Lord. Click here to read more stories from our team in Boise, ID The following report comes to us from...
“Consoling a Sister-in-Christ”

“Consoling a Sister-in-Christ”

Warren, MI. Click here to learn more about Anne’s regional missionary activities The following report comes to us from regional missionary Anne with our team in Warren, MI: “Susan” from Reno, NV left a brief message on our 833-99-JESUS info &...
“Living out the Dream”

“Living out the Dream”

Tampa, FL. Click here to read more stories from our team in Tampa, FL The following report comes to us from team leader Bill with our team in Tampa, FL: Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you’re part of a team. Everything is awesome when you’re...
“A Time of Renewal, Pt. 1”

“A Time of Renewal, Pt. 1”

Boise, ID. Spring is a time of renewal, which hopefully also reminds us of the fresh start that Jesus presents to us every day. Today’s team went out to evangelize, in hopes of bringing the new Life that Our Lord so lovingly offers to the people that passed by....