“God Had a Purpose”

“God Had a Purpose”

Phoenix, AZ.Β  We've heard that some Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Catholics are like low hanging fruit, easy to pick off. Many Jehovah's Witnesses are actually former Catholics who simply did not understand the faith. They need to be challenged and invited back,...

“Student Testimony”

“Student Testimony”

Novi, MI. Do you remember the first time you evangelized? Did you feel unprepared? Perhaps you felt like you said the wrong thing and doubted that you should even be out there? Most of us probably struggled with self-doubt when we first went out to share the gospel....

“Reverencing Mary”

“Reverencing Mary”

Fort Worth, TX. While it's obvious to us Catholics why we reverence the Blessed Virgin Mary, many Protestants struggle this. If they only understood all of her extraordinary qualities, her immense love, her place of honor in heaven, they would certainly agree that...

“History Lessons”

“History Lessons”

Dallas, TX. Soon to be canonized John Henry Cardinal Newman once said "To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant." Today's story features an encounter with a Protestant who is unaware of her own church's past, let alone that of the Roman Catholic Church....

“Child’s Play”

“Child’s Play”

St. Paul, MN.Β  We often use the phrase "child's play" to describe a task that is easy. But sometimes our evangelizing efforts are literally child's play, when we send out small, joyful children to share the saving message of Jesus Christ. Perhaps the people they...