December 31, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: Help Us Reach Souls and End 2020 on a Positive Note 2. Story from the Street: So Many Prayers Needed 3. Story from the Street: Greeting Card Ministry Help Us Reach Souls and End 2020 on a Positive Note Let's be...

December 2020

Yoga really helps my child to be calm This month’s Whaddaya Say is inspired by an actual conversation with a family member. Click here to see last month’s responses. One of my family members is Catholic but is unaware that practicing yoga goes against church teaching....

“Djembe and Jesus”

“Djembe and Jesus”

Orlando, FL. Click here to read more stories from our regional missionary Christina  The following report comes to us from Regional Missionary Christina in Orlando, FL: I walked around Lake Eola today and ran into a man named Matt who was playing the djembe on the...

December 23, 2020

Like  Tweet  Pin  +1  in In This Issue 1. Featured: O Emmanuel, our King and Giver of Law: come to save us, Lord our God! 2. Story from the Street: Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 2 3. Story from the Street: Sixty Catholics, Sixty Minutes, Pt. 5 O Emmanuel, our...