“Fish Fry, Round Two”

“Fish Fry, Round Two”

Ann Arbor, Michigan. It's often interesting to learn about the history of a parish, especially one like Old St. Patrick in Ann Arbor. Parishioners take pride in their parish, so it's good for evangelists to know at least the basic history of a parish ahead of time. In...

“Mercy at McDonald’s”

“Mercy at McDonald’s”

Novi, MI. Have you ever tried unsuccessfully to talk with a person about God, only to find out that the person you wound up talking to instead was exactly the one God wanted. That might just be the case in today's story. Our evangelist was able to share Our Lord's...

“Simple Prayer”

“Simple Prayer”

Warren, MI. Even when His children don't think they need anything, God is so abundantly good that He still continues to bless them with more. In today's story, our evangelist was told by the person he was praying for that she has everything she needs from Our Lord. So...

“First Fish Fry”

“First Fish Fry”

Sierra Vista, AZ. Lent 2020 is here. According to an article on the USCCB website, that means we should "devote ourselves to seeking the Lord in prayer and reading Scripture...giving alms...practice self-control through fasting...abstaining from meat on Fridays during...

“The Word”

“The Word”

Castle Rock, CO. World famous physicist Albert Einstein once said, "The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library." There you can find so many wonderful books full of stories, historical facts, instructions, and so much more. All...

“Priceless Encounter”

“Priceless Encounter”

Livonia, MI. It's pretty amazing the things you'll find at the dollar store, and the deals that they offer. Usually nothing of great value, but everyday items for a great price. In today's story, it was just outside the dollar store where our evangelist encountered a...