Evangelizing the Evangelists

San Francisco, CA. Ted and Robert from the San Francisco team went to Civic Center Plaza in late August. It was upbeat day from beginning to end. They met many Catholics who said they were regular attendees at Sunday Mass, including “Vay,” who is Vietnamese, and also...

Walmart Evangelization?

Santa Clarita, CA. Recently, the Santa Clarita, California SPSE team spent six hours evangelizing outside of a local Walmart. They got permission of course! In fact, they had to fill out a form ahead of time. Boy was it worth it! Among them were three young...

One Flock, One Shepherd

This past Friday, the team met "Jan," a young woman from a Quaker background. She said that she was raised in the Evangelical Friends church, but was considering becoming Catholic. She said that Catholic radio had been a big influence on her, and she had learned about...

“They were so happy!”

Plymouth, MI. An SPSE team in Michigan recently brought the faith to the streets at the “Heartbeat of Plymouth Festival, and encountered lots of non-Catholic Christians. Many of them were very receptive to hearing about the rosary, expressing the desire to have deeper...

“Truly Extraordinary”

North Adams, MA. It was a beautiful, sunny day at the Farmer’s Market for the North Adams, Massachusetts SPSE team. They set up at 9 AM, with two newcomers: Rick, and Joe. During the course of the 4 hours they were there, they had some powerful experiences of the Love...

“Do We Listen To His Voice?”

San Diego, CA. A couple weeks ago the North County Saint Paul Street Evangelization team met in Balboa Park to give out rosaries and pamphlets, and to talk to those passing by. They had a great time. Among the evangelists that day was Trent Horn, of Catholic Answers,...


Detroit, MI. It was a beautiful day at Eastern Market in downtown Detroit where street evangelists encountered hundreds of people. They used a few approaches that worked well the previous week at the Woodward Dream Cruise. For example, they asked many people "Would...