Gazing at Jesus

Five evangelists joined the SPSE San Francisco’s recent Monday lunch-time outing to Civic Center Plaza. So many responded to SPSE evangelists Charlene, Mary, Stephen, Ted, and Robert that they ran out of Rosaries within the first two hours. They continued, though, to...

Seeker without Direction

Three members of SPSE’s Atlanta, GA, team took advantage of a beautiful Spring day to travel to downtown Decatur to evangelize. They set up across from the transit station. There, they invited the many people passing by to take a Rosary or a medal. Some who stopped...

“Good Friday initiation”

SPSE’s Phoenix–East Valley team welcomed 5 new evangelists on a Good Friday outing to Gilbert, AZ. Arriving early at the family-friendly dessert fest, the team chose good locations for meeting people. Several first-time evangelists reported in about their experience....

Fr. Fox on God’s Mercy and Peace

HOMILY, Second Sunday of Easter / Sunday of Divine Mercy April 12, 2015 Fr. Charlie Fox, Spiritual Director, St. Paul Street Evangelization ( ******* God’s Mercy and Peace Towards the end of the novel Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh,...

On Good Friday & The Divine Mercy Novena

On Good Friday & The Divine Mercy Novena

  But he was wounded for our transgressions,     he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole,     and with his stripes we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5 (RSV-CE) Fr. Brian Ditullio dug up this reflection that I wrote years ago...

SPSE Announces a Joint Venture with Cyberdyne System Labs

St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE) is pleased to announce the creation of a new resource that promises to launch the New Evangelization into a futuristic era. National Director Steve Dawson explains: “While our apostolate has had great success in reaching people...

Heaven and Hell Are For Real

SPSE’s National Director, Steve Dawson, joined evangelist Julian for Catholic street evangelization in downtown Detroit last weekend. Despite the cold, on several occasions during the outing, the evangelists felt the Holy Spirit was using them to bear fruit for the...